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While moving into a new home is an undoubtedly exciting experience, it’s also an experience which is rife with stress. There are a number of things which need to be done and considered after you’ve changed residences.

One of the things you need to do after you’ve moved is to consider the state of your new home’s locks. Though your locks are likely secure, they could potentially be vulnerable to outsiders.

Here are something things to consider when it comes to the locks on your new home.

Some Things to Think About

The Previous Owners Could Still Have Keys

When you buy a home from somebody, the entire property is being handed over to you. This includes everything from the yard, to the house, to the keys which open the house.

In most cases, the previous owners will pass all of these entities on to you. However, in some cases, the previous owners will hold onto extra keys. This can (for obvious reasons) pose a few problems.

You don’t want the previous owners strolling into your new residence unannounced. The only way you can ensure that this doesn’t happen is by changing the locks on the home.

Construction Workers Could Have Keys

Perhaps you didn’t move into an existing house? Maybe you bought a brand-new house that was just erected? Surely you don’t have to worry about the locks if this is the case, right? Well, not exactly.

There is still a chance that a construction worker who helped to build your house could have a key. Again, the only way to ensure that no unwanted individuals come into your home is by changing the locks.

They Weren’t Necessarily Changed . . . Even If You Were Told Otherwise

When perusing new houses, you likely asked the sellers of those houses a bevy of pertinent questions. You might have even asked those sellers if the house was going to have new locks installed.

If so, it’s important to remember that people are not always truthful. After all, new locks cost money, and the sellers may try to ease their way out of additional costs. It’s recommended that you change your locks regardless of what you’ve been told.

Usable Keys Could Still Be Floating Around

Even if you’ve been handed keys by sellers and construction workers, it’s important to remember that additional keys could still be floating around town.

The sellers could have had keys made for their friends, neighbors, and relatives. If these keys are never returned to the owners, these friends, neighbors, and relatives will still have access to your house.

So, What?  

If you’ve just moved into a new home, it’s recommended that you change all of the exterior locks on the home. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been informed of a recent lock change; you should order the lock change yourself so that you are entirely sure of its validity. You don’t want to run the risk of any intruders making their way into your new residence.

Ideally, you’ll call in a professional locksmith to get the job done. A professional will know exactly how to install your locks so that they’re as secure as possible.

Hire a Locksmith to Change the Locks on Your Home!

Are you looking to change the locks on your new home? Do you live in the Chicago area? Suburban Door Check & Lock Service is the place to call.

We’re highly experienced in the installation of all types of locks, from electronic keypad locks, to traditional locks, and more. It’s our goal to make your new home as safe and secure as possible.

Contact us today with any questions!