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home-safe-storageLike most people, you probably have some items and possessions in your life that need to be protected and secured as much as possible. For this reason, you can benefit from installing a safe inside your home.

Wondering what types of items should be kept inside such a safe? You are in the right place. Here is a list of items that are commonly stored in a home safe in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

Heirloom Photographs

Unless they’ve been digitized and saved in the cloud, photographs are finite. For this reason, you’ll likely want to protect them as much as technologically possible. After all, floods, fires, and thieves could all result in you losing your treasured photographs.

How can you keep your photographs safe from all of these things? By storing them in a home safe!


If you’ve ever applied for a passport, you know just how arduous the process can be. Typically, it takes months for a person to receive his or her passport.

Do you want to avoid having to go through the application process again? If so, it’s wise to utilize a home safe. This will ensure that your passport is never lost, destroyed, or stolen.

Birth Certificates

While it is possible to apply for a new birth certificate, the process is both costly and time-consuming. You’d be much better off by making sure that your original goes unscathed.

A home safe will help keep your birth certificate safe and sound. Not only will it protect from fire and water, storing it in a safe will help you avoid misplacing it.


Perhaps you’re a gun owner? Maybe you collect vintage knives? In any case, you have potentially dangerous weapons in your home. Should this be the case, you’ll want to have a safe place to store them during down time. This is particularly true if there are children in the home.

A home safe will secure your weapons, ensuring that kids and unwanted individuals cannot get to them.


Kids get into everything. Therefore, if you have kids, there are certain items that you’ll want to keep especially secured. Medications are just one type of item that should be kept under extreme wraps.

How can you ensure that your children don’t get into your medications? By keeping them locked away in a home safe.

Family Heirlooms

Maybe your grandfather left you his prized watch? Perhaps your mother gifted you with her antique diamond earrings? In any case, you have a sentimental family heirloom on your hands. If so, you’ll want to keep it protected as much as possible. After all, once it’s lost or destroyed, it can’t be replaced.

A home safe can be used to lock your heirlooms away, ensuring that they aren’t misplaced or destroyed by external elements.


Do you own some expensive jewelry? If so, the last thing you want is for it to be lost, damaged, or stolen.

A home safe will keep your jewelry secured, safe from damage, misplacement, and trespassers.

Looking to Buy a Home Safe in Elk Grove Village, Illinois?

Would you like to keep your valuable items secured and protected? Looking to buy a home safe in Elk Grove Village, Illinois? If so, Suburban Door Check and Lock Service is the company to call.

We supply and install home safes of all different shapes, sizes, and capabilities. Our team of seasoned locksmiths would love to help you choose a safe that appropriately accommodates your purposes.

Contact us today to discuss your safe needs!