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Residential safe installer in Burr Ridge IllinoisBefore installing a safe in your home, it’s wise to make sure you’re going to get good use from it. While there are a variety of things you can store inside a safe, there are a handful of items that are stored inside safes more so than others.

Are you wondering what these items include? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This residential safe installer in Burr Ridge, Illinois is going to discuss below.

1. Cash

If lost or destroyed, cash can’t be replaced. That said, if you have it on hand, you’ll want to protect it as much as possible. What better way to protect it than with a home safe? A home safe will not only protect your cash from theft, but from misplacement — and maybe even fire in some cases.

2. Important Documents

Throughout the course of your life, you’re likely to have collected a range of important documents. These vary from birth certificates to social security cards to passports and much, much more.

These documents, as you might know, can be difficult to replace. If you do need to replace them, doing so can be quite expensive and time consuming. Therefore, it’s best to protect them as much as you can.

The best way to do this is by storing them in a residential safe. A safe will serve as a familiar storage area for all your vital documents, all the while providing them with ample protection from fire and theft.

3. Weapons

There are a wide variety of weapons out there that have the potential to do serious damage to humans and animals inside a home. Therefore, they should never be stored out in the open. They should be kept locked away in a secure area.

What area is more secure than a residential safe? A residential safe will lock away all your weapons, ensuring that they can’t be accessed by children or other potentially irresponsible individuals.

There are specialized gun safes available for rifles and handguns. These come complete with internal racks and storage compartments. For more information, do not hesitate to reach out to a residential safe installer in Burr Ridge, Illinois.

4. Heirlooms

Whether it’s your grandmother’s wedding ring, your grandfather’s war medal, a baseball you caught at a Cubs game, or otherwise, if it’s near and dear to you and regarded as an heirloom, you’ll want to keep it safeguarded. After all, you can’t replace these types of items.

While there are several ways to store these items, the most effective option is to use a residential safe.

5. Strong Medications

Most medications can be safely stored in a medicine cabinet. Some medications, however, are extremely potent and could cause serious injury or death if they end up in the wrong hands. This is why residential safe installers in Burr Ridge, Illinois recommend locking them away.

A safe will prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing your medications. It will also protect your medications from misplacement.

6. Jewelry

The last type of item we’re going to discuss is jewelry. If you have expensive jewelry, you should strongly consider storing it in a safe. After all, jewelry is commonly a target of thieves.

Looking for a Residential Safe Installer in Burr Ridge, Illinois?

Are you interested in installing a residential safe? Looking for the most trusted residential safe installer in Burr Ridge, Illinois? If so, our team at Suburban Door Check & Lock Services is here to help.

We have installed all types of safes for homeowners throughout the Burr Ridge area and beyond. Regardless of your preferences, we can help you find the right safe. Contact us today at (630) 968-4727 to discuss your options.