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When you think of a home safe, you likely think of a small, metal box that sits on the ground that may or may not have a lock on it. While this does cover a general idea of what a home safe is, it doesn’t quite paint the full picture. After all, there are several different types of safes available today that can serve a wide range of purposes.

Are you interested in learning about the different types of safes that are available? This residential safe installer in Downers Grove, Illinois is going to review them below.

Standalone Safes

Standalone safes are safes that exist entirely on their own. They can be moved from place to place and aren’t buried in either the ground or in walls.

These safes are available in a range of sizes and weights, and they come with a variety of different storage options. You can also find them with an assortment of lock types.

One potential downside to these safes is that they can take up quite a bit of space. The upside is that — depending on which residential safe installer in Downers Grove, Illinois you work with — they’re generally more affordable to purchase than floor safes and wall safes.

Floor Safes

Floor safes are safes that get buried in the ground with their doors sticking out. In essence, everything that goes into a floor safe will be stored under the surface of the floor.

The benefit of this is that the floor safe takes up as little space as possible. You could conceivably even store things on top of your floor safe, making full use of your space.

These come in all different sizes, and with all different types of locks. If you would like to see some samples, do not hesitate to reach out to a residential safe installer in Downers Grove, Illinois.

Wall Safes

Wall safes are like floor safes. However, instead of being buried in floors, they’re buried in walls instead. The effect is the same: space is saved. Only a small portion of the safe sticks out of the wall, meaning that very little room is taken up in general.

Again, these are available in several sizes, and come with a range of lock types. Regardless of the size or lock that you want, there is a wall safe out there that will accommodate you. Call your local locksmith for more information.

Gun Safes

If you own a gun, you would be wise to store it in a safe. This is particularly true if you have children or animals in your home. After all, it only takes one incident for something tragic to happen.

Fortunately, there are specialized gun safes available to help with this. These safes not only possess the length requirements necessary for rifles and other long guns, but they also possess racks and specialized storage compartments as well.

You can find gun safes online and in many stores across the country. However, if you want to find the best gun safe for your purposes, you should get in touch with a residential safe installer in Downers Grove, Illinois

Fire Safes

The last type of safe we’re going to discuss is the fire safe. Fire safes are specifically designed to provide protection from fire and heat. They come with a range of fire ratings, with some being able to protect their contents from fire for up to an hour, and others being able to protect their contents for two hours or three hours, for example.

Fire safes are available in all styles. For more information on them, do not hesitate to get in touch with your local locksmith.

Looking for a Residential Safe Installer in Downers Grove, Illinois?

Are you interested in installing a safe? Need help deciding on the right option for your home? If so, and if you’re looking for a residential safe installer in Downers Grove, Illinois, look no further than Suburban Door Check & Lock Services.

Contact us today at (630) 968-4727 to discuss your options.