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Residential safe company in Burr Ridge IllinoisAre you thinking about installing a safe in your home? Need some help deciding whether it’s the right choice? If so, this article is for you.

Before installing a safe in your home, there are some key things you should know so you can get the most out of it. This residential safe company in Burr Ridge, Illinois is going to discuss everything you’ll need to know below.

What Can Be Stored Inside a Safe?

There are all sorts of things stored in safes. In truth, if it fits within the confines of the safe, it can be safely stored there. However, some items are more commonly stored in safes than others.

Important paper documents are commonly stored in safes. These include birth certificates, passports, home deeds, insurance policies, and the like.

Cash is commonly stored in safes as well. Because it can’t be replaced, it must be protected. A safe is the obvious receptacle for this purpose. You might also see jewelry stored in safes, as well as family heirlooms or other sentimental items.

Items that should always be stored in safes include guns, knives, and other such weapons. These can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Safes serve that purpose well.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Residential Safe

When choosing a residential safe, there are a few things you’ll want to consider. These include the following:

The Safe’s Weight

First and foremost, your residential safe company in Burr Ridge, Illinois will recommend choosing a safe with a decent weight. If it’s not heavy enough, a thief could simply pick it up and open it elsewhere.

Now, how heavy should your safe be? At the very least, you should look for safes that are at least 200 pounds. Very few people would be able to run off with 200 pounds of metal in their hands. That said, the heavier your safe is, the less risk there is of this happening.

The Lock Type

Safes come with many different types of locks. These include (but aren’t limited to) combination locks, keyed locks, biometric locks, and digital keypad locks. While none of these locks is necessarily superior to the others, there might be a certain type of lock that you prefer over the others.

For instance, you might not want to lug another key around, in which case, a keyed lock would be out of the question. You might not want to spend an excess amount of money, in which case, a biometric lock probably wouldn’t suit you.

You can always discuss your preferences with your residential safe company in Burr Ridge, Illinois to decide on the right option for your home. With something like a safe, it’s the small details that can make a world of difference.

Fire Resistance

The last thing to consider is fire resistance capabilities. These differ from safe to safe, with some providing protection from fire for up to three hours, and others not providing any protection from fire at all.

If you’re storing particularly important documents or other items, your residential safe company in Burr Ridge, Illinois will likely recommend choosing a safe that offers a decent level of fire resistance capabilities. Otherwise, a house fire could eliminate these items for good.

Looking for a Residential Safe Company in Burr Ridge, Illinois?

Are you ready to install a safe in your home? If so, Suburban Door Check & Lock Services is the company to call. As the most trusted residential safe company in Burr Ridge, Illinois, we have installed residential safes in countless homes throughout the area. Regardless of your safe needs, we have a model that will suit you.

Contact us today at (630) 968-4727 to discuss your options.