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Residential safe company in Bolingbrook IllinoisJust about everyone has valuable or sentimental possessions in their home that they consider to be irreplaceable. Most people want to keep these items as safe as possible. What’s the best way to do this? By storing them inside a residential safe.

Are you thinking about installing a safe in your home? Before you do, this residential safe company in Bolingbrook, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should know.

What Can You Store Inside a Residential Safe?

There are no real limitations to what you can store in a home safe. Provided that the safe has the requisite size, it can be used to store anything. That said, home safes are most typically used to store the following items:

Paper Documents

From passports to insurance policies to birth certificates and more, all sorts of paper documents get stored inside of safes. Safes are ideal for these items because, if they were to be lost or destroyed, they couldn’t easily be replaced. Yes, you can replace them. However, it requires a good deal of time and effort (and usually money as well).


Do you like to keep cash in your home? If so, you should consider storing it in a safe. After all, if cash is destroyed or lost, you can’t replace it. You’ll literally be losing money. Installing a residential safe in Bolingbrook, Illinois will protect you not only against theft, but fires and misplacement as well.

Irreplaceable Items

Maybe you have an heirloom that’s been passed through your family over the years? Perhaps you have a baseball that you caught at a Cubs game when you were younger? In any case, if you have an irreplaceable item in your possession, you should strongly consider storing it in a safe.

These items can’t be replaced. Therefore, you’ll want to protect it. Your residential safe company in Bolingbrook, Illinois can help you find the right option.


Guns. Knives. Swords. These all have the ability to do serious harm to those in your home. Therefore, it’s best to keep them locked away when they’re not being used. Where do you lock them? In a residential safe, of course.

There are all sorts of safes out there to help accommodate your weapon storage needs. In fact, there are even specialized gun safes available. Check these out, for example.

What Sort of Protection Do Home Safes Provide?

Wondering what types of protection home safes provide? In truth, it depends on the specific safe that you choose.

Most safes protect their contents from theft as well as fire and, in some cases, water. Safes are made from heavy-duty steel and are equipped with top-notch locks. The steel is almost impossible to break or cut through, and the locks are exceedingly difficult to pick.

Safes provide varying levels of fire protection. Whereas some can withstand the heat of fire for an hour, others can withstand it for two hours, for example.

While safes aren’t watertight, and while they won’t resist water in the event of being submerged, they will provide some protection against rain and leaking pipes, for instance. Please feel free to contact your residential safe company in Bolingbrook, Illinois for more information.

Looking for a Residential Safe Company in Bolingbrook, Illinois?

Residential safes can help to protect your possessions from theft, fire, and general misplacement. Are you hoping to install one? If so, Suburban Door Check & Lock Services is the company to call.

As the top-rated residential safe company in Bolingbrook, Illinois, we sell a variety of safes, including floor safes, wall safes, gun safes, and more. Contact us today at (630) 968-4727 to learn more about your options.