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Commercial locksmith in Downers Grove Illinois

Do you need to install new locks on your commercial building? Maybe you need to have your existing locks repaired? Whatever the case may be, if you’re reading this article, then you’re most likely looking for a reputable commercial locksmith.

While it’s not difficult to find a list of commercial locksmiths in your area, finding the right one can be more of a challenge. That’s where we can help. Below, this commercial locksmith in Downers Grove, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should look for in a prospective locksmith.

Search Google

A good way to start your search is with Google. Type in something like “commercial locksmiths in Downers Grove, Illinois”. This should provide you with a list of locksmiths in your area, as well as star ratings and customer reviews.

Read through the ratings and reviews to see which locksmiths have the best reputations. Then, write a handful of them down on a piece of paper. You’ll need to compare them over the next few steps.

Assess Experience

Once you have a shortlist of locksmith candidates, you should compare them against one another, starting with their experience. Typically speaking, the more experienced a locksmith is, the better service they’ll provide.

We recommend choosing a locksmith with a minimum of 2 years of experience in the field. If a locksmith has maintained a good reputation through 2 years, they likely have what it takes to do a good job for you.

Ask About Insurance

Regardless of who you choose, you need to make sure they have insurance. Insurance will cover damage to your house in the event of a mishap, as well as injuries that occur to locksmith employees while on your property.

There are two types of insurance you should look out for: general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. See proof of both before signing any contracts.

Inquire About Certification

In addition to insurance, your chosen locksmith should also hold some sort of certification. There are a few different certifications out there for locksmiths to obtain. The one we recommend looking out for is the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA) certification.

This certification proves that a locksmith possesses not only the required knowledge but the requisite training necessary to install, repair, and maintain commercial locks. It shows that the locksmith has been assessed by a third party, and that they meet an agreed-upon standard in the locksmithing industry.

Most locksmiths will list their certifications on their websites. If you can’t find it there, just make a call and ask.

Get Estimates

Lastly, you should obtain estimates. This way, you’ll have a decent idea as to what each locksmith is going to charge you in Downers Grove, Illinois. Rates can vary wildly, and you want to be sure that you’re not overextending your budget.

To obtain estimates, simply call the locksmiths you’re interested in and explain the work that you need to have done. Any reputable locksmith will provide you with an estimate.

Once you have the estimates in hand, compare them against each other and pick one that suits you. Be a little leery of exceedingly low estimates, as they often indicate poor service.

Looking for a Reputable Commercial Locksmith in Downers Grove, Illinois?

Do you need to hire a locksmith to work on your commercial building? If so, and if you’re looking for a reputable commercial locksmith in Downers Grove, Illinois, look no further than Suburban Door Check & Lock Service.

We offer a variety of commercial lock services — from installations to maintenance to repairs and more. Regardless of your needs, our locksmiths can get the job done right. Contact us today at (630) 968-4727 to schedule an appointment.