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Gardall home safesOne of the keys to living in modern society is keeping track of your vital documents and items. Failing to keep track of these things can be detrimental in a number of ways, leading to losses of time, money, and more.

Need a way to safely store your vital documents and items? If so, you should consider installing a home safe. Wondering what types of items can (and should) be installed in a home safe in Wheaton, IL? Read below to find out!

Birth Certificates

Birth certificates are used for a number of things. Not only does it help you gain employment, but drivers licenses and other legal documents as well. As such, it’s recommended that you keep your birth certificate in a safe location, like a home safe.

Keep in mind, replacing a birth certificate is both costly and time-consuming. You don’t want to lose hard-earned time and money just because you were unorganized.

Prescription Medications

Many medications that people take are relatively harmless. However, this is not always the case. Some medications can do serious damage, particularly if they end up in the wrong hands. For this reason, if you have potent medications in your home, and if you have children, grandchildren, or pets, it’s strongly recommended that you store your medications inside a home safe.


Maybe you have some physical copies of old family pictures in your possession? Perhaps you have priceless photographs saved on a hard drive? If possible, you should keep them stored in a home safe. After all, pictures can’t be replaced, and you don’t want to lose precious memories.


Just as you don’t want to lose precious photographs, you don’t want to lose track of your family heirlooms either. Like photographs, heirlooms can’t be replaced.

You probably don’t want to keep your grandfather’s military medals in a box in the basement, for example. You should keep these valuables stored safely in a home safe instead.

Social Security Card

Yes, you can always get your hands on a new social security card. However, that is going to cost you time and money. Why not save the money and the hassle by just storing your social security card in a home safe instead?

Spare Keys

It’s always wise to keep spare keys on hand, both for your home and for your vehicles. One of the easiest ways to keep track of them is to store them inside of a home safe. This way, you won’t have to search for them when they’re needed.


Have you drawn up a will? If so, your lawyer probably has a copy of it. That said, you should keep a copy on your own as well.

Where should you keep it? Somewhere safe, of course. A home safe certainly fits this bill, as it will be protected from both fire and theft.


Not only are weapons expensive, but they’re potentially dangerous as well. As such, it’s highly recommended that you keep them locked away from both thieves and children. Whether it’s a gun, a knife, or otherwise, if it’s a weapon, it should be stored in a home safe.

In Need of a Home Safe in Wheaton?

Is investing in a home safe the right choice for you? Are you in need of a home safe in Wheaton, in particular? If so, Suburban Door Check & Lock Service is the company to call.

Our locksmiths have installed countless home safes throughout the Wheaton area. Regardless of the type of safe you’re looking for, we’re sure to have one that fits your needs.

Contact us today to get started!