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Key inaide a dead bolt lock at a house in Hoffman Estates, IllinoisA home with compromised locks is a home with compromised safety. As such, it’s important to ensure the quality of your locks. Faulty locks can become a liability in a number of ways, allowing intruders to enter homes whenever they wish.

The question is: how can you tell when locks have become compromised? How can you tell whether you need a lock replacement in Hoffman Estates? All you have to do is consider the following.

Loose Locks

If you want your lock to be as secure as possible, it needs to be secured snugly against its corresponding door. If it’s loose and wobbly against its respective door, it has not been installed properly, and it’s not performing its job as intended. This is true regardless of whether you deem it “operational”.

Locks can become loose for a variety of reasons. In some cases, they’re installed incorrectly. In other cases, they’re just deteriorated, incapable of performing in the way that they once did.

Generally speaking, loose locks can be repaired. Note, though, that in some cases, they require a full lock replacement. Regardless, your local Hoffman Estates locksmith can assist you.

Keys In The Hands of the Wrong People

This is an important one to consider. Is there anyone out there that might have keys that correspond with your locks? Maybe your ex-spouse has a key? Perhaps one of the construction workers that built your house has a key? Maybe even the person who owned your home prior to you has a key?

Regardless of who it is, if someone has one of your keys in their possession, your home is vulnerable. Theoretically speaking, that person could enter right into your home whenever he or she wants.

The solution? Replace your locks. That’s the only surefire way to prevent unwanted individuals from walking straight into your home.

Key-turning Difficulty

Go over to your lock and give it a turn. Is it turning easily, or is it giving you resistance? If it’s turning roughly, it might very well be time for a change.

A lock shouldn’t be difficult to turn, whether you’re engaging it or disengaging it. If you’re forced to exert a ton of effort just to open a door, something has gone awry.

There’s a possibility that your lock could benefit from a repair. However, in many cases, turning difficulty signifies the end of a lock’s usefulness, prompting a full-on replacement. In either case, a locksmith can assist you.

Recent Break-ins

This one is simple: if your home has recently experienced a break-in, you should change your locks as soon as possible. Failure to do so could very well result in another break-in. After all, if someone broke in once, they could do it again.

Your local locksmith can help you get everything set up. If necessary, he or she can explain your options as well.

In Need of a Locksmith in Hoffman Estates?

Perhaps you have a spare key floating around in a stranger’s hands? Maybe your locks are old and antiquated? Whatever the case may be, you’re in need of locksmith for a lock replacement in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.

Need help facilitating this replacement? Suburban Door Check & Lock Service has a team of locksmiths that are ready to assist you. Give us a call, and we’ll be there to help in just a short time.

Contact us now to discuss your needs!