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residential-commercial-locksmith-berwyn-illinoisDo you need to hire a locksmith, but aren’t sure of what to look for? If so, you’re in the right place. Below, we’re going to discuss all the characteristics of a reputable Berwyn locksmith, helping you choose one that is reliable and legitimate.

Has Appropriate Insurance

One of the initial things you should check for when hiring a locksmith is that he or she has adequate insurance coverage. If you use a locksmith who doesn’t have adequate insurance coverage, and if he or she causes damage to your property, you could be held liable for those damages. As such, insurance is a must.

When inquiring about insurance, you’ll want to ensure that your prospective locksmith has both general liability and workers’ compensation insurance. These policies will protect not only your property, but any employees who might be working with the locksmith.

Has Necessary Certification

In Illinois, locksmiths are required to have an Illinois state locksmith license. If the locksmith you’re speaking with doesn’t have this license, he or she is working illegally and should be avoided entirely.

In addition, your locksmith should also have certification with a major locksmith organization. Two of the most prominent locksmith associations include the Associated Locksmiths of America and the Society of Professional Locksmiths.

Has Ample Experience

If a locksmith has made it through his or her apprenticeship, he or she is likely experienced enough to handle the installation, maintenance, and repair of locks. That said, you’ll also want to ensure that your prospective locksmith has ample experience in the field on his or her own.

In general, we recommend that your locksmith has at least 2 years of experience.

Offers Guaranteed Work

When you pay for services (lock installation, repair, maintenance, etc.), you pay for those services to be provided in full. If services are not provided in full, you shouldn’t have to pay for them. This is why it’s important to ensure that your prospective locksmith’s work is guaranteed.

Just because a repair appeared satisfactory right after it was completed doesn’t mean that it will still be satisfactory tomorrow. Hiring a locksmith with guaranteed work ensures that any mishaps will be corrected free of charge.

Has a Positive Reputation Among Past Customers

One of the greatest indications of a quality locksmith is a positive reputation. If a locksmith has positive standing with the bulk of his or her past customers, he or she can most likely be trusted to provide quality service.

Wondering how to get a feel for a locksmith’s reputation? Online customer reviews are a great place to start. Google and Facebook are generally the most reliable sites to refer to.

Offers Reasonable Rates

While locksmith services are certainly going to cost money, they shouldn’t cost you so much that they put a huge dent in your wallet. There are more than a few reputable locksmiths out there who can provide excellent work at a reasonable rate. These are the ones you should look for.

Before picking a locksmith, make sure you ask for an estimate of the work that’s to be done. Then, compare the different rates against one another and choose the one you’re most comfortable with.

Looking for a Reputable Berwyn Locksmith?

If you’re reading this article, you’re likely looking for a reputable Berwyn locksmith. If this is the case, we here at Suburban Door Check & Lock Service are the people to see.

Our team of seasoned and skilled locksmiths has ample experience in the installation, repair, and maintenance of all types of locks. Regardless of the types of locks you’re dealing with, we can help you.

Contact us today to get started!