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locksmith-company-ciceroMaybe you’re looking to install new locks? Perhaps your current locks are in need of repair? Regardless of what the case may be, you’re in need of a Cicero locksmith.

All that’s left to do now is to find the right one. The question is: how? It’s not as difficult as you might think. All you need to do is keep an eye out for the following qualities.

Ample Experience

The first thing to look for when choosing a locksmith is ample experience. Generally speaking, the more experience a locksmith has, the higher level of service he or she will provide.

While inexperienced locksmiths might provide quality service, you don’t want to risk your time or money on an unproven individual. As such, you should choose a locksmith with at least five years of experience under his or her belt. A locksmith who has been working in the field for this length of time has more than likely proven his or her abilities.

A Positive Reputation

In addition to ample experience, your locksmith should also have a positive reputation. A locksmith company with a positive reputation is bound to have provided quality service in the past. Conversely, a locksmith company with a negative reputation is bound to have fallen short on several occasions.

Wondering how to assess a specific locksmith’s reputation? Your best bet is to utilize review websites like Yelp, Facebook, and Google. These sites contain reviews from past customers, providing insights on each locksmith’s capabilities.

If a locksmith has primarily positive reviews, he or she likely provides good service. If a locksmith has primarily negative reviews, he or she more than likely provides poor service.


Next, you’ll want to make sure that your locksmith has certification. In Illinois, all commercial locksmiths must be certified by the state. Certification indicates that a locksmith has completed proper training and that he or she possess all of the skills necessary to perform the job as intended.

There are a few private certifications that you can look out for as well, particularly the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALA) certification. Individuals who are certified by this organization have undoubtedly proved their mettle as locksmiths.


In addition to certification, your locksmith should also possess insurance. Insurance is necessary to ensure that you’re not held responsible for any damage done to your property.

If a locksmith isn’t insured and causes damage to your property, you could be responsible for repairing the damage. The same is true for injuries to the locksmith’s employees. If they’re hurt on your property, you could be held liable for their injuries.

For your sake, there are two types of insurance that your locksmith should have: general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. If your prospective locksmith doesn’t have these insurances, you should not utilize his or her services.

Reasonable Rates

The last thing you should look out for is reasonable rates. After all, it’s important to make sure that your prospective locksmith’s services fit into your budget.

Locksmiths charge a wide range of rates. As such, it’s best to specifically ask each locksmith about the cost of his or her services. Any reputable locksmith will provide you with an estimate for the work that you need done. If a prospective locksmith won’t provide you with an estimate, you should look elsewhere.

Utilize the Services of a Cicero Locksmith

Looking for a reputable Cicero locksmith? Suburban Door Check & Lock Service is the company to call.

Insured, certified, and experienced, we provide only the best in lock maintenance, installation, and repair. Regardless of your needs, our team can assist you.

Contact us today to get the ball rolling!