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fireproof-safe-berwynDid you recently purchase a safe? Wondering what you should put in it? While the choice is ultimately up to you, there are a number of items that are commonly stored inside safes.

Curious as to what these items are? The following are the eight most commonly stored items in a home safe:

1. Birth Certificate

For an American citizen, a birth certificate is vitally important. You will need one not only to secure employment, but to get married, to obtain a driver’s license, and to receive government benefits.

For this reason, it’s recommended that people protect their birth certificates to the best of their abilities. How can this be done? By storing it in a home safe. A home safe will go a long way in protecting a birth certificate from natural disasters, theft, and being misplaced.

2. Family Heirlooms

Perhaps your grandfather gave you his war medals? Maybe your mother gave you her famous good-luck charm? In any case, if you are in possession of a family heirloom, you’ll want to protect it at all costs. After all, it can’t be replaced.

How can you maximize security for your family heirlooms? A home safe is a great solution.

3. Passport

Do you travel out of the country on a regular basis? If so, you undoubtedly have a passport in your possession. While having a passport is great, applying for a passport can be a grueling experience.

This is why it’s wise to store your passport in a safe. A safe will protect your passport from theft, damage, and misplacement, ensuring that you don’t have to subject yourself to the long application process once again.

4. Cash

It’s usually a good idea to keep some cash on-hand. Unfortunately, unlike electronic money, cash can go missing, and once it’s gone, it can’t be retrieved. Therefore, if you’re going to keep cash on-hand, it would be wise to keep it in a home safe.

5. Medications

Whether they’re ibuprofen or a prescription medicine, medications can be harmful to children and animals. Therefore, if you have children and/or animals in your home, you should keep your medications locked away securely.

While a medicine cabinet might be able to get the job done, you might consider storing the more potent medications in a home safe.

6. Weapons

Like medications, weapons are exceedingly dangerous when in the hands of children. As such, if you have children in your home, it’s strongly recommended that you keep your weapons locked away safely when they’re not being used. A gun safe can accommodate this need.

7. Social Security Card

Like birth certificates, social security cards are necessities for American citizens. While it is possible to replace a lost or damaged card, the process can be long and expensive. Instead, it’s best to preserve your existing card by keeping it in a safe place. A safe will have you covered.

8. Insurance Policies

One last set of items to keep in a home safe is insurance policies. While insurance policies can be accessed online, it’s still good to have hard copies on-hand in cases of emergency. A home safe will serve as a protective storage entity for them.

Hoping to Purchase and Install a Home Safe in Berwyn?

Haven’t purchased or installed your home safe yet? Looking to install a home safe in Berwyn, Illinois? If so, the locksmiths with Suburban Door Check & Lock Service are the people to call.

Over our many years in business, our locksmiths have installed safes in countless homes throughout Berwyn and its surrounding areas. Regardless of the safe you’re hoping to install, we can accommodate you.

Contact us now to get the process started!