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home-locksmith-servicesImagine this: you walk up to your front door. You reach into your pocket to grab your keys. The only problem is, they’re not there! The realization has now set in, and you’re locked out of your house. The question is, what do you do now?

While locking yourself out of your Berwyn, Illinois home can certainly be distressing, it’s not the end of the world. There are a few different things you can try in order to get yourself back in. Below, we’re going to cover some options. Let’s begin.

Options to Consider:

When you’ve locked yourself out of your house, there are a number of things you could do to help get yourself back in. Some options you should consider are as follows:

Call Someone with an Appropriate Key

In this case, hopefully you’re not the only person in your home with an appropriate key to your locks. Whether you live with a spouse, kids, roommates, or otherwise, someone else may have a copy of your key.

If you do, indeed, live with someone else, you should call him or her and ask if he or she can let you in. This is the most simple and commonsense method for getting back into your home after you’ve locked yourself out.

Check for Unlocked Windows

If you don’t live with anyone else, or if your housemates aren’t available to let you into your home, you’re going to need to get a little more creative. A wise move would be to check all of your ground-level windows to see if any of them are unlocked.

If, by chance, one of your windows was left unlocked, you might be able to slide it open and make your way through it. Be careful when doing this, however, as you most certainly don’t want to break a window pane or fall and injure yourself.

Use Your Credit Card

If your door is only locked by a spring bolt and not by a dead bolt, you might be able to get through it with the use of your credit card. Plastic credit cards can be pushed through the cracks in doors and slid under their corresponding latching mechanisms. When pushed far enough and positioned in the correct way, they can undo these mechanisms and unlock locked doors.

Call Up Your Local Locksmith

If you can’t get into your house with any of the above-described methods, you should call up your local Berwyn locksmith. Experienced locksmiths know how to help individuals get back into their locked homes. Your local locksmith should have no trouble doing the same for you.

Planning for Future Lockouts

After you’ve gotten back into your home, you would be wise to make a plan for future lockouts. You never know when one might occur again.

You can start by investing in a lockbox and keeping a spare key inside of it. Hide this lockbox somewhere on your property where only you can find it. Should you ever lock yourself out, you can simply get into the lockbox, grab the spare key, and make a quick entry.

You might also consider giving a spare key to a neighbor or family member. That way, should you ever lock your key inside of your home, you can make a quick call and be on your way in minutes.

One last option is to ditch traditional locks and make use of electronic locks instead. Electronic locks make use of keypads, making it almost impossible for their users to lock themselves out of their homes. All you have to do is remember a 4-digit code and you’ll be able to enter the home with ease.

In Need of a Locksmith in Berwyn, Illinois?

Have you locked yourself out of your home? Interested in utilizing the services of a Berwyn locksmith? If so, Suburban Door Check and Lock Service has you covered.

Sporting a team of skilled and certified locksmiths, we’ve helped countless Berwyn area residents get back inside their homes. Our team would be happy to assist you.

Contact us now to utilize our services!