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electronic-business-locksHave your business’s existing locks run their course? Are you building a new business property and need to have locks installed? If so, you should consider utilizing electronic locks.

Electronic locks offer a variety of benefits that you won’t find in other types of locks, serving to make your building as safe as technologically possible. Need a little convincing? Read below! We’re going to discuss the 4 main reasons why you should use electronic locks for your Oak Brook business property.

1. They Don’t Require the Use of Keys

For many years, keyed locks were the only options available. Fortunately, with the passing of time and the progression of technology, that has changed. Now, thanks to modern advancements, keyless locks are a reality.

There are a number of benefits to having keyless locks. For one, they essentially eliminate the risk of lockouts. As long as you know the appropriate passcode, you can disengage a keyless, electronic lock with ease.

For two, they allow easy accessibility to just about anyone that you want to come into your building. You don’t even have to be in the proximity of the building in order to provide someone with access. You just have to tell that person the appropriate code.

2. They Easily Accommodate Accessibility Changes

One of the big problem’s businesses have with traditional keyed locks is retrieving keys from past employees. For instance, if a disgruntled employee quits on the spot, he or she could easily keep the key that he or she was given in order to access your building at a later time.

At that point, the only way you could take accessibility away from that person would be to change the locks on your building entirely. Not only would you have to change the locks, but you would also have to make new keys for your remaining employees. This process is a pain, to say the least.

However, with electronic locks, none of this is needed. Codes for keyless electronic locks can be changed instantly. If an employee quits, you can simply make his or her code invalid, eliminating any risk of unauthorized access.

3. They Allow for Automatic Locking

Wouldn’t it be great if you could lock or unlock your doors without even touching them? With electronic locks, you can.

Electronic locks are controlled by software. With the use of this software, you can command your locks to both lock and unlock at designated times during the day. If your business property possesses several doorways, this can save you a great deal of time and effort.

4. They’re Hard to Pick

Worried about the security of electronic locks? You shouldn’t be. Electronic locks are no less secure than traditional locks. In fact, in some cases, electronic locks are actually harder to pick than traditional locks.

The reason for this? A lack of keyholes. Some electronic locks don’t possess any keyholes and are almost impenetrable to the outside world. Therefore, they’re not even capable of being picked in the first place.

If security is your main concern, you shouldn’t feel any less confident in using electronic locks. They’re more than capable of getting the job done.

Looking to Install Electronic Locks in Oak Brook?

Are you ready to install new electronic locks? If so, and if you’re looking for locksmith services in Oak Brook, Illinois, Suburban Door Check and Lock Service is the company to call.

We offer a wide variety of electronic locks and are capable of installing them in a quick and professional manner. With our team of highly-skilled locksmiths serving Oak Brook, we can have your locks installed in no time.

Contact us right now to discuss your needs!