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locksmith-lock-replacementRegardless of the type of locks you have on your Elk Grove Village home or business property, they’re probably not going to last forever. Like all other things in life, locks are prone to deterioration, and will eventually cease to operate as intended.

The question is: how can you tell when this time has come? Have your locks reached a point of no return? Here are 5 signs that your locks are no longer getting the job done, and could use a replacement.

1. Break-ins

If you’ve recently experienced a break-in, and the intruder did not break in through a window or unlocked door, you likely have a problem with one or more of your locks. These locks are either lacking in security, or the individual who broke into your house has a copy of your key.

In either case, it’s wise to have your locks replaced. After all, if an intruder broke in through your locks once, he or she can just as easily do it again.

The sooner you replace your locks, the better. A professional locksmith can get the job done for you in a timely and appropriate manner.

2. Structural Damage

Are your locks loose? Do they wiggle every time you go to open your door? Perhaps they don’t turn as easily as they used to turn? If so, they could very well be experiencing irreparable structural damage.

In some cases, your locks could be fixed with a repair. In many cases, however, they might need to be replaced entirely. Installing new locks can provide your home with the security it needs.

3. Aesthetic Deterioration

While locks are primarily a functional entity, they do affect the aesthetic of your home. Therefore, if your locks are aesthetically deteriorated, you might want to consider changing them.

Rusty, chipped, and scratched locks can negatively affect a home’s appearance. A simple upgrade to modern locks can help improve the aesthetics of your home.

4. Spare Keys Unaccounted For

Often times, homeowners will give spare house keys out to friends, family, neighbors, etc. While this might be a wise and convenient choice at the time, it could have negative consequences later on.

For example, if a neighbor should ever turn into a foe, that individual could use your spare key to enter your home against your consent. This is obviously a situation you’ll want to avoid.

If you have spare keys floating around in the hands of unwanted individuals, it’s wise to change your locks. This can help increase the overall security of your home.

5. New Moves

Did you recently move into a new home? If so, it’s highly recommended that you change your locks. Regardless of whether the home was built from scratch, or was lived in by a previous owner, it’s possible that an unwanted individual could have the key to your home.

These days, there are all types of locks to choose from. If you prefer not to deal with keys at all, you can even utilize electronic locks.

In Need of a Locksmith in Elk Grove Village, Illinois?

Have your keys fallen into the wrong hands? Are your locks demonstrating visible deterioration? If so, it’s probably time for you to make a replacement.

If you’re ready to replace your locks, and if you’re in need of a locksmith in Elk Grove Village, Suburban Door Check and Lock Service has you covered. We are the premier locksmith service in the Elk Grove Village area, having helped thousands of customers to replace their locks over the years.

Contact us now to start the replacement process!