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commercial-lock-replacementWhile locks are designed to be durable and secure, their security can become compromised in just a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, when their security becomes compromised, they typically need to be replaced.

The question is: when exactly is a lock change necessary? Should you replace the locks on your Downers Grove, Illinois commercial property? If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions, a change should probably be made.

Are Your Locks Antiquated?

Sometimes, enough is enough. Though your locks may work properly, they might look old, worn down, and out of style. This is reason enough to justify a lock replacement.

Not to mention, just because your locks are still getting the job done doesn’t mean that they’re not close to their expiration date. Though locks can serve their purpose for a long time, they can also start to decline fairly quickly. If your locks are decades old, their expiration date could be just around the corner.

Are You Seeking Security Automation?

These days, automation is taking over just about everything. Locks are certainly no exception to this. Many businesses are automating their lock systems to allow for easier and more secure access.

However, if you’re going to automate your lock system, you will have to choose an electronic option. Manual locks do not offer automation capabilities.

Are Your Locks Performing Poorly?

Do your locks struggle to open when you try to unlock them with your key? Do they feel loose or deteriorated? If so, why wait any longer to make a change? Holding out will only cause frustration and expose you to potential risks.

There are all types of great locks on the market today, all of which offer seamless operation. Having them installed by a professional locksmith will ensure their security and functionality for years to come.

Has Your Building Experienced a Break-in?

A sure sign that you should replace your existing locks is if your building has experienced a break-in. If someone has broken into your building, and if they did not enter through an unlocked door or window, your locks are not getting the job done as they’re intended to.

This break-in could have happened for a number of reasons. Maybe your locks can’t physically hold up through strong physical trauma? Perhaps an unwanted individual has a key to your building? In any case, it’s recommended that you replace your locks as soon as possible. Any reputable locksmith will be able to get the job done for you.

Do You Have Multiple Keys Floating Around?

If your business still makes use of manual locks, you likely have keys in the hands of several current and former employees. Maybe you gave keys to employees so that they could access your building when necessary? While this is common practice, it’s not without its problems. The primary problem associated with this practice is that your keys could fall into unknown hands.

If you think you might have spare keys floating around or in strange hands, a lock replacement is warranted. This is the safest way to ensure that strangers cannot access your building.

Utilize Commercial Lock Replacement and Locksmith Services in Downers Grove, Illinois

Do you believe that the security of your locks is compromised? Are you looking to utilize commercial locksmith or lock replacement services in Downers Grove, Illinois? The highly-skilled and certified locksmiths with Suburban Door Check and Lock Service have you covered.

Our team is well-versed in the replacement of all types of locks, from electronic locks, to physical key locks, and everything in between. Our team would be happy to help you improve the security of your commercial property.

Contact us now to discuss your needs!