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Once you’ve purchased a safe from Suburban Lock and Door Check Service, the next step is deciding where to place it in your home or business. This is not always an easy decision to make, and where you place your safe can depend on a number of different factors. Sometimes you will have to compromise based on protection from threats, security, and convenience.

Safes are typically purchased to protect against burglary, fire, and flooding, and where you place your residential safe or commercial safe will often depend on why you purchased the safe in the first place.

Fire Protection

Whether you own a home or a business, fire is a major threat to your valuables. While there is no such thing as a completely fireproof safe, storing your items inside of a fire-rated safe can provide invaluable protection. House fires tend to start in the kitchen, fireplaces, and garages, so if your goal is to protect from fire, it’s best to install your safe away from these areas.

In the event of a fire, heat rises, so we don’t recommend installing a home safe on the top floor, although that may be your first inclination. Instead, we recommend installing the safe on the inside corner of two exterior walls, because these walls stay the coolest in the event of a fire. If you live in a condo or apartment and must store your safe on the top floor, we recommend also installing a sprinkler above it.

Burglary Protection

Another major risk to your property is theft. Along with an advanced home security system, the best way to protect your valuables is by getting a residential or commercial safe installed. When a criminal decides to break into a home, their typical route of entry is through a window or door on the main floor. Once they’re inside, their first stop is the master bedroom, which they scope out for jewelry and cash. Because of this, it’s not a great idea to install your safe in your master bedroom, because if the burglary sees it, they know it’s where the high value items are located and will work to remove it from your home.

Solid alternatives to placing a safe in the master bedroom are hidden-away low-traffic areas, such as the closet of a guest bedroom, a coat closet, and a bedroom. Of course, we know that many people prefer the convenience of placing their safe in their master bedroom. If you choose to do this, we recommend bolting down your safe and purchasing one that’s highly rated against burglars.

Flood Protection

Finally, many homeowners in the Chicago area purchase a safe to protect against flooding. Because it’s basements and lower floors that tend to suffer the most flood damage, we recommend placing your safe as high up as possible in an area that does not flood.

Warrenville and Chicago Residential and Commercial Safe Company

If you’re in the market for a residential or business safe in Chicago or Warrenville to protect your most valuable goods, the expert locksmiths at Suburban Door Check and Lock Service are ready to be of assistance. Our family-owned company has been in operation since 1963, and since then, we’ve grown to service the entire Chicago, IL area with our fleet of 16 full-service vehicles and our 7,500 square foot showroom. To learn more about our safe selection, give us a call at 630-968-4727 today.