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Whether you own a business or just work at one, managing office security is one of the most important aspects of the job. After all, the office is home to important and irreplaceable documents that can cause huge financial loss to the company if they are stolen or lost to fire.

Here at Suburban Door Check and Lock, we’re your Chicagoland experts when it comes to upgrading your office security. The security measures that you should take depend on a variety of different factors, including the total worth of the goods inside of your business, the physical location of your business, and the type of business that you operate. Here are some foolproof ways to make your office a theft-proof environment and to protect it from burglaries.

Install a Key Card Access System

Key card access systems provide a number of benefits when compared to traditional locks. First of all, when somebody leaves your company, you don’t need to rekey all the doors; you can simply notify the system. The electronic interface system interacts with software to make the necessary changes to that you’ll never have to replace a deadbolt again.

Also, card key access systems make it much more difficult for users to copy a key card like you would copy a traditional key. When you know that you or one of your employees lost the key to your access system, you can simply disable it until it is found or leave it deactivated once you replace it with a new card. This is much simpler than the alternative of needing to change the locks and issue new keys to everybody when a key is lost. Finally, of course, lockpicking becomes a lot more difficult, considering that there’s no actual lock that can be picked.

Install an Electronic Keypad Lock

If you don’t want to install a key card access system, another option that’s still an upgrade over traditional door locking systems is a keyless door locking system. The main advantage of these systems is that you don’t have to carry a key around with you anywhere you go. Like a key card access system, thieves cannot obtain a copy of a physical key, and lock picking an electronic keypad lock is extremely difficult. All you need to do is to ensure that all your employees or people given access to your building remember the four-digit code to enter the building.

Install a Safe

In addition to installing high-security door systems, the locksmiths at our company also install commercial safes for all types of local businesses. Instead of keeping your important business documents inside of file cabinets or desks, where they can easily be stolen or destroyed in a fire, keeping them in a safe protects them from fire and theft.

Contact a Commercial Security Expert

When it comes to protecting Chicagoland businesses, Suburban Door Check and Lock Services has earned the right to call ourselves experts. We’ve been in business for over 50 years and are proud to service the Chicago suburbs from our offices in Westmont. Contact us today to see how we can improve your office’s security.